We are excited to announce the creation of the Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC), a collaborative effort supported by the MAVA Foundation. Over the years, AMNC partners have expanded their capacity, uniting to conserve traditional cultural practices and halt biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean. AMNC believes that nature and culture are deeply interconnected, delivering essential environmental, social, and economic benefits.

We are so honoured and thrilled to announce the formation of the new Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture.
We believe together we can deliver far more than we could alone; for nature, for culture, for society, and for life!
Supported by the MAVA Foundation, through various former partnerships and projects, the partners of AMNC have expanded their capacity, impact and power in the Mediterranean region in the last years and their joint efforts consequently succeed in the formation of AMNC.
AMNC provides a collaborative framework to support the conservation of traditional cultural practices enabling the maintenance and management of landscape diversity and to halt biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean region. The works of AMNC, therefore, aim to recognise, promote and sustain practices that maintain cultural landscapes, underpinned by its conviction that nature and culture are profoundly interconnected and together deliver environmental, social and economic benefits to the society.
Within AMNC, we all pool our collective weight by mobilising and sharing knowledge, expertise and resources; developing joint actions; and developing, implementing and sharing approaches that integrate biodiversity, culture and human wellbeing to achieve the long-term conservation of cultural landscapes and cultural practices.
AMNC is comprised of 13 organisations:
– Al-Shouf Cedar Society (ACS)
– Associação Natureza Portugal | World Wide Fund for Nature Portugal (ANP|WWF Portugal)
– European Nature Heritage Fund (EuroNatur)
– Global Diversity Foundation (GDF)
– Balearic Group of Ornithology and Defence of Nature Menorca (GOB Menorca)
– International Union for Conservation of Nature Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN Med)
– Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA)
– Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL)
– Tour du Valat (TdV)
– Trashumancia y Naturaleza (TyN)
– World Wide Fund for Nature North Africa (WWF North Africa)
– World Wide Fund for Nature Spain (WWF Spain)
– Yolda Initiative (Yolda)
Coordination of AMNC is undertaken by Yolda Initiative in collaboration with ANP | WWF Portugal.
For more information visit our upcoming new website at https://www.mednatureculture.org
AMNC builds on the legacy of the Mediterranean Consortium for Nature & Culture (MCNC), a collective that from 2013 to 2020 supported and raised awareness for cultural practices that have a positive impact on biodiversity in the Mediterranean.
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