The final report of our project, “A Retro-Innovative Perspective for Sustainable Economies: Mobile Pastoralism,” has been published. It offers economic sustainability strategies for Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists, focusing on integrating their products into modern markets. Access the full report (in Turkish) and workshop excerpts here.

The final report of our project “A Retro-Innovative Perspective for Sustainable Economies: Mobile Pastoralism”, prepared in collaboration Sarıkeçililer Survival and Solidarity Association, and Innovation for Development (I4D) team, has been published.
The report offers suggestions for the economic sustainability of mobile pastoralism in Turkey based on the case of Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists. Focused on preserving biodiversity and mitigating the effects of the climate crisis, the study aims to enhance the economic capacity of Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists.
Our study primarily addresses the question: “As part of sustainable livelihoods, what products can mobile pastoralists produce, and how can they deliver these products to consumers who value health, safety, and ecological sustainability?”
Mobile pastoralism is a livestock farming system based on ecological cycles, minimising waste, and preserving the environment. However, mobile pastoralists like the Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists face economic challenges. Failure to present their products effectively in the market and not receiving adequate compensation exacerbates these difficulties.
In order to address this need, we have developed some proposals to integrate productions of Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists into the modern market:
- Meat and Meat Products: Standardisation, identifying effective marketing strategies, overcoming consumer prejudices through communication efforts, and increasing product visibility are essential for improving the market presence of goat meat. Developing brand names for the products and utilising creative communication strategies are recommended.
- Milk and Dairy Products: The milk obtained through ecological approaches prioritised by Sarıkeçili mobile pastoralists can be processed using traditional methods and marketed to niche organic markets, especially emphasising geographical indication and ecological production. Collaboration with local producers and alternative distribution methods are crucial.
- Cosmetics: One recommendation for the use of goat products in the cosmetics sector is the production of soap from goat internal fat, often wasted in the industry, utilising existing facilities by leveraging the experiences of local producers. Another suggestion is the use of goat fat in cream production.
- Hair and Wool Products: To present the goat hair products of Sarıkeçililer in the market, three possible recommendations include traditional methods of yarn production and niche product creation with female employment, presenting goat hair as a raw material to the market for low-value-added products, or creating a hybrid model combining traditional and modern methods.
Recommendations, shaped by field research conducted in summer pastures of Sarıkeçililer in 2021, workshops, and focus group meetings, contribute to the development of sustainable economic proposals for the economic future of Sarıkeçililer.
As we approach the United International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in 2026, the recommendations presented in the project form an important basis for the future of mobile pastoralism and the ecosystems they depend on.
The link to the report (in Turkish) and excerpts from our expert workshop are available in here.
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