As CBD COP 15 begins online, we emphasize the vital link between mobile pastoralism and biodiversity. Pastoralists’ seasonal grazing enhances soil stability, nutrient cycling, and vegetation restoration. For further insights, explore our report “Mobile Pastoralism in the Mediterranean: Arguments and Evidence for Policy Reform and its Role in Combating Climate Change.”

New Publication: Are livestock always bad for the planet?
The new PASTRES report on pastoralism and climate change highlights the overlooked climate benefits of low-impact pastoral farming, cautioning against decisions based on misleading data. It emphasizes the differences between extensive livestock production and factory farming, urging better consideration of sustainable practices in climate and food debates.

Pastoralism: Economic Options in a Shock-prone Environment
As part of our Mobile Pastoralism in Turkey project, Dr. Serena Ferrari and Dr Abdrahmane Wane from CIRAD joined us to share their experiences from their project “Pastoralism: Economic Options in a Shock-prone Environment”.

An Op-ed about Wildfires
Ensuring access to forests and pastures for mobile pastoralists is essential for sustaining their climate-friendly production system and fighting the climate crisis. Dr. Eda Elif Tibet and Burcu Ateş share insights from Turkey on how nomadic pastoralists are crucial allies in combating Mediterranean wildfires.

Important IYRP decision at IUCN WCC
The IUCN members declared their support for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026.

In-situ Observations at Wildfire Sites
We are monitoring wildfires’ impact on nomadic pastoralists, with Koray Çetin documenting the damage in Mersin’s pastures and homes.