As part of our Mobile Pastoralism in Turkey project, Dr. Serena Ferrari and Dr Abdrahmane Wane from CIRAD joined us to share their experiences from their project “Pastoralism: Economic Options in a Shock-prone Environment”.
Tag: mobilepastoralism

Important IYRP decision at IUCN WCC
The IUCN members declared their support for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026.

In-situ Observations at Wildfire Sites
We are monitoring wildfires’ impact on nomadic pastoralists, with Koray Çetin documenting the damage in Mersin’s pastures and homes.

Mobile Pastoralism as a tool to Combat Wildfires
Nomadic pastoralists like the Sarıkeçililer help prevent fires through grazing practices that reduce dry grass and leaf litter. Despite their crucial role in combating fires and climate change, they face increasing restrictions on accessing traditional habitats. Protecting pastures and ensuring access is vital for both fire prevention and climate resilience.

Understanding the Economics of Mobile Pastoralism: Fieldwork with Sarıkeçililer
We recently conducted fieldwork to enhance the economic capacity and resilience of the Sarıkeçili nomadic pastoralists. Our visits included discussions with families about production activities, labour dynamics, and challenges faced in meat and dairy production. We observed critical issues regarding pasture access, impacted by agricultural encroachment, climate change, and wildfires.

New Collaboration: Mapping for PastoralistsNew Collaboration:
Yolda has partnered on the Mapping for Pastoralists project, highlighting the vital contributions of pastoralists to environmental conservation, climate change adaptation, food security, and rural economies.