This November, AMNC partners gathered in the stunning Camargue, France, for a long-awaited in-person meet-up. Highlights included a capacity-building workshop hosted by Tour Du Valat, a bird-watching field trip, and a productive Steering Committee meeting, where future plans were strategized. We’re excited to continue growing together!
Tag: PartnershipBuilding

Living Together with Nature
As part of our joint initiative “Living Together with Nature,” we organized our first event in Beypazarı İnözü Valley on October 27, targeting Afghan refugee children. Alongside partners like Yolda Initiative, World Home International Solidarity Association, and Hacettepe University’s Functional Ecology Lab, we explored nature, collecting leaves, seeds, and learning about the environment.

Sustainable Economies for Mobile Pastoralism
Our project, “A Retro-Innovative Perspective for Sustainable Economies: Mobile Pastoralism,” continues with an exciting workshop bringing together Sarıkeçili nomadic pastoralists, researchers, development specialists, cooperatives, chefs, and textile designers. Together, we will explore the economic potential of mobile pastoralism, focusing on products like meat, dairy, wool, and cosmetics, while promoting environmental sustainability.

New Collaboration: Mapping for PastoralistsNew Collaboration:
Yolda has partnered on the Mapping for Pastoralists project, highlighting the vital contributions of pastoralists to environmental conservation, climate change adaptation, food security, and rural economies.

New partnership: Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture
We are excited to announce the creation of the Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC), a collaborative effort supported by the MAVA Foundation. Over the years, AMNC partners have expanded their capacity, uniting to conserve traditional cultural practices and halt biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean. AMNC believes that nature and culture are deeply interconnected, delivering essential environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Official Launch of Roads Less Travelled
We are thrilled to announce the official launch of our global initiative, Roads Less Travelled, which took place at the Community Conservation Research Network & IUCN’s Communities, Conservation and Livelihoods conference. The launch program included: Thank you to all the participants who joined us to celebrate the launch of our new initiative!