As CBD COP 15 begins online, we emphasize mobile pastoralism’s key role in transitioning to a circular economy and promoting nature-friendly economies aligned with biodiversity. Supporting mobile pastoralism is essential for reintegrating livestock production with nature. For more insights, see our report “Mobile Pastoralism in the Mediterranean.”
Tag: Policy

Our Call to CBD COP 15 Participants
As CBD COP 15 begins online, we emphasize the critical relationship between mobile pastoralism and biodiversity. The traditional ecological knowledge of mobile pastoralists plays a key role in conservation and promoting high biodiversity. For more insights, see our peer-reviewed article “Mobile Pastoralism and Protected Areas: Conflict, Collaboration and Connectivity.

Our Call to CBD COP 15 Participants
As CBD COP 15 begins online, we emphasize the vital link between mobile pastoralism and biodiversity. Pastoralists’ seasonal grazing enhances soil stability, nutrient cycling, and vegetation restoration. For further insights, explore our report “Mobile Pastoralism in the Mediterranean: Arguments and Evidence for Policy Reform and its Role in Combating Climate Change.”

Important IYRP decision at IUCN WCC
The IUCN members declared their support for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026.

Mobile Pastoralism as a tool to Combat Wildfires
Nomadic pastoralists like the Sarıkeçililer help prevent fires through grazing practices that reduce dry grass and leaf litter. Despite their crucial role in combating fires and climate change, they face increasing restrictions on accessing traditional habitats. Protecting pastures and ensuring access is vital for both fire prevention and climate resilience.

IYRP Virtual Side Event at HLPF
Join us in our IYRP Virtual Side Event on 6th July at this year’s UN HLPF: “Sustainable pastoralism and rangelands: impacts of COVID, and how not to leave them behind in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”!