“Mobile Pastoralism and the World Heritage Convention” is a new report for Roads Less Travelled Global – a global partnership of Yolda Initiative, DiversEarth and Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza, which makes the case for mobile pastoralism (transhumance, nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralism) at a global scale, through new research, support to pastoral communities, and through creative celebration of their knowledge and ways of life.
Prepared by Equilibrium Research and DiversEarth, the paper is a scoping study; part of a multiyear project looking at mobile pastoralism and conservation – and aims to:
– Introduce concepts of mobile pastoralism and its interaction with conservation
– Discuss the role of World Heritage and the Advisory Bodies
– List key World Heritage sites where mobile pastoralism occurs
– Provide some brief case studies of mobile pastoralism within individual World Heritage sites
– Draw some very preliminary conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for next steps
You can read the report here