A new peer-reviewed article, supported by Yolda Initiative, investigates the snow leopard’s livestock depredation on yak herding pastoralists in West Bhutan. It emphasizes the importance of understanding root causes to develop sustainable solutions, instead of restricting pastoralist mobility, which has often proven counterproductive.

A new peer-reviewed article!
Supported by Yolda Initiative, the objective of the paper “A pattern of livestock depredation by snow leopards the yak herding pastoralists” by Phub Dorji & Reta Bahadur Powrel is to investigate the livestock depredation pattern of the snow leopard to the yak herding nomadic pastoralists of the Himalayas in West Bhutan.
Such cases must be thoroughly investigated to understand the root causes and to develop sustainable responses that solve the problem rather than simply restricting mobility and preventing mobile pastoralists from using their traditional resources – a strategy that has proved counter-productive in many cases.
Through new projects in different countries, we will keep exploring the root causes of human-wildlife conflict to develop finer-scale and mutually beneficial solutions for nature and the well-being of communities!
You can find the paper here: https://pastoralismjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13570-022-00247-3
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