The On the Move Photography Exhibition, which celebrates Mediterranean transhumant shepherds and nomadic pastoralists, reached CerModern in Ankara on 17th June 2016. It showcases the work of six photographers from Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, Turkey, Lebanon, and Greece.

The On the Move Photography Exhibition made its eighth stop in CerModern in Ankara on 17th June 2016. This exhibition is a celebration of the transhumant shepherds and nomadic pastoralists of the Mediterranean, commisioned by the Mediterranean Consortium for Nature and Culture. It features the work of 6 prominent professional photographers from Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, Turkey, Lebanon and Greece.
Exhibition presents the work of
- Barış Koca, who portrays here the life of one Sarıkeçili family migrating in Turkey
- Stamos Abatis who has magically captured the lives and landscapes of the shepherds of Northern Pindos in Greece
- Wassim Ghozlani, whose contemporary eye has portrayed the Tunisian transhumance with clarity and precision
- Gema Arrugaeta, whose wonderful selection of photos portray the noble Spanish transhumance
- Asaad Saleh from Lebanon who portrays with a keen eye and great kindness the lives of Lebanese pastoralists
- Younes Tazi, who shows the great beauty of the human-animal connection on the long desert transhumance
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