*NEW RESOURCE*: “An economic analysis of transhumance in the Central Spanish Pyrenees” is a peer-reviewed paper written by María E. Fernández-Giménez of Colorado State University and John Ritten of University of Wyoming based on the findings of the study conducted within Roads Less Travelled global program – a partnership of Yolda Initiative, DiversEarth and Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza…
Co-creating Knowledge for Action with Transhumant Herders in Spain
*NEW RESOURCE*: Co-creating Knowledge for Action with Transhumant Herders in Spain by Yolda Initiative is a report for Roads Less Travelled – a global partnership of Yolda, DiversEarth and Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza. Written by María E. Fernández-Giménez of Colorado State University and based on participant observation of transhumant movements and in-depth interviews with current and former transhumant herders…
Mobile Pastoralism in Mediterranean Landscapes
*NEW RESOURCE*: Mobile Pastoralism in Mediterranean Landscapes by Yolda Initiative is a report for Roads Less Travelled – a global partnership of Yolda Initiative, DiversEarth and Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza, which briefly outlines the state of (mobile) pastoralism in five pilot sites corresponding to three broad landscape types. Local communities all over the Mediterranean basin still engage in many traditional cultural practices,…
Mobile Pastoralism and the World Heritage Convention
“Mobile Pastoralism and the World Heritage Convention” is a new report for Roads Less Travelled Global – a global partnership of Yolda Initiative, DiversEarth and Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza, which makes the case for mobile pastoralism (transhumance, nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralism) at a global scale, through new research, support to pastoral communities, and through creative celebration of their knowledge…
Our new peer-reviewed paper on Mobile Pastoralism and Protected Areas
Our paper titled “Mobile Pastoralism and Protected Areas: Conflict, Collaboration and Connectivity” has just been published in PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation In this paper, submitted jointly with DiversEarth & Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza, we considered the many benefits of mobile pastoralism for nature conservation, in particular those related to connectivity between protected areas…
Transhumance, Vultures & Veterinarian Diclofenac
Mobile pastoralism is the most sustainable livestock management system for people and nature. For thousands of years, mobile pastoralists have been moving through the rangelands with their herds, acknowledging their constant interaction and symbiosis with nature. Interaction between transhumant shepherds in Spain and vultures is a good example of this mutualism which benefits both parties. Spain is home to…